Saturday, January 12, 2013

Comparison of indicative characteristics

"Backpackers" and "Mass tourists"

Image 01 - Nature of backpacker
Image 02 - Nature of mass tourists




Mass Tourists

Generally between 18-30 years

Any age group, wide range.


Low Tariff. Hostels, Camping,
Backpacker Hotels, Homes of friends and family.

High Tariff. Hotels etc., Self-Catering
All Inclusive Resorts.

Transport Used to
get to Destination

Transport Used
when in Destination

Public transport, e.g. local train
and bus services
Private car, private coach.

Trip Duration
Longer than brief holiday, length
varies greatly, from 1 month to 1
1-2 Weeks

Degree of

Independently organized, flexible
travel plan
Most elements are not pre-booked,
only outbound flight.

Packaged, organized by tour operator, inflexible. Components of holiday product are pre-booked at home.

Holiday Activities
Emphasis on informal and
Participatory holiday activities.

Participate in wide range of activities.
Day trips organized by tour operator.

Limited, travels on a budget.
Comparatively large amount of money to spend.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

What is Backpacking

Backpacker tourism is a global phenomenon. It involves the movement of millions of travelers around the world, and refers to a diverse range of experiences and activities that can include work, volunteering, education, leisure and holidaying.

According to Pearce (1990), backpackers are the travelers who predominantly young, more likely to stay in budget accommodation, emphasize meeting other travelers, independently travel, have a flexible travel schedule, stay for a longer rather than a brief holiday, focus on informal and participatory holiday activities.

The Tourism White Paper (2004) of Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources had been acknowledged the backpacker tourism as an ‘important niche market’ and cited the significant expenditure of backpacker visitors compared to non-backpacker visitors Backpacker tourism has recognized by lot of tourism operators as a main part of any tourism economy. In accordance with Fiona Allon (2008), the estimated economic significance of backpacker visitors for a range of areas, industries and services is such that backpacker tourism is now commonly referred to as a ‘high yield segment’ of the tourism industry. The growing popularity of backpacking has been recognized by many destinations and in Australia this travel sector accounted for 10% of all arrivals in 2003 (Australian Tourist Commission, 2004).

Nalaka Jayathilaka
Hospitality, Tourism & Events Management
Faculty of Management
Uva Wellassa University
Sri Lanka